Journée mondiale de la Terre : Gardons notre île propre

230 FCFP 1,93 €



Created in 1970, and celebrated every April 22, World Earth Day is the most famous environmental event in the world. OPT-NC is associating itself with this operation by publishing an illustrated plate of 10 stamps with permanent validity at the local rate on this theme, inviting Caledonians to become aware and to keep their island clean. It was designed by illustrator Jean-Jacques Mahuteau, who has been working regularly with OPT-NC since 2005. 

A world day to raise public awareness  
World Earth Day has been celebrated around the world for the past 52 years. 193 countries and more than a billion people actively participate every year on this day. New Caledonia is fully committed to this global occasion, and numerous events are organized by local associations, including Caledoclean and SOS Mangroves. The Earth Day organization adds that "Over the years, Earth Day has become the most important environmental participatory movement on the planet,". 

OPT is totally committed through its project “Oeuvrer PourTous” 

Thanks to its numerous projects and via its unique and diverse network in New Caledonia, OPT-NC contributes to seeking solutions to the many diverse challenges associated with sustainable development. A realistic policy has been formulated and manifests itself through several projects. In particular, we can highlight our Eco mobility plan, which seeks to control energy costs including the transition of our buildings to solar power, as well as a program of control, reduction and treatment of waste materials (recycling of industrial waste, update of our waste-treatment plan, and a circular-economy initiative integrating a solid element of community-interest, auctions and donations of computers and other renovated equipment, donations of scrap packaging materials to appropriate associations etc.).  


The issue of this plate is therefore fully in line with the OSR policy (Organization’s Social Responsibility) which OPT-NC has followed for several years. This policy is based on three key values: being a committed employer, a trusted partner and a responsible sponsor. 


You can find more details of OPT-NC’s social responsibility policy activities at: 

Printing process: 
Date of issue: 
0 × 26 × 36 mm
Nb of stamps per sheet: 
Nb of stamps per First Day Cover: